Daily Archives: March 17, 2025

Another Goodbye (Illia) and a Hello (Eudora) – Pretty Fun Streams

Another Goodbye (Illia) and a Hello (Eudora) – Pretty Fun Streams

Third follower is like a carousel right now for my group in the livestream of Skyrim

Eudora, Dibella follower and a loonAfter a follower almost kills you 4 times and succeeds once, you have to start to look elsewhere; and not for a Khajiit! (Badoomcha!) So we took the precautions and let Illia go. She was kind off the mark, though I appreciated her talking points. We still may pick her back up if there is a way to nerf her Ice Wall spell.

SaturdayCursed Largashbur Tribe is still pending and it is taking us forever to get what needs done. BUT. I made sure it was fun and not, well not fun. Searching for Troll fat we went looking for a troll and we did not just buy the fat, etc. Plus we can’t resist some Forgotten Sanctum dungeons!

Sunday We introduce a loony toon, Eudora Ordasm a Dibellian Pacifist, who kills anyways. In a test play through she was crazy eyed and nuts. In the stream she was surprisingly good in everything, though she used her bow too much. I was complaining only to figure out we already have 2 tanks with Jenna and Katya. Anywho, FINALLY finish out the Mehrunes Razor quest and even got a few guild jobs done.

New Trading Cards below, check out Raevyn’s mask!