Skyrim Streaming on Youtube – Warriors of Dibella

The four Warriors and their protectorWe moved on to Fallout 4, then Horizon Zero Dawn, then Baldur’s Gate 3 then back to Fallout 4. Eventually we stopped after 150 videos. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VIDS, HOLY SHIP NUGGETS. You can find the playlist here: 150 count ’em!

Introducing the Warriors of Dibella

The story is one as old as time. A gorgeous blonde Nord finds her way to the Temple of Dibella, meets a gorgeous white haired woman, a Dibella follower that is also a great warrior. They team up and decide to create a group called, “The Warriors of Dibella.” They recruit some women, and form a strong bond.

Our overall quests include:

  • Acquiring 1 million gold.
  • Become Thane of every hold in Skyrim.
  • Own every Vanilla house in Skyrim.
  • Try and complete the main questline, Dawnguard and Dragonborn.
  • Get Married (preferably to Anaka)

When this started I was pretty sure of my crew, Anaka, Elise, Rashaal and Jenna. The only ones left now from the original is Gwen and Anaka. After quite a few change ups with the line-up we are either very happy with this, or kind of stuck with it. Below is the reasons why some did not “make the cut.” Beleval is out newest member and we are loving her, she is a smaller model which is a nice change from the curvy big ones of the Nords. We have ended up with the following:


  • Nord Barbarian Gwenn Ironchest
  • Nord Champion Priestess Anaka Winter-Mane
  • Nord Ranger Eerika Oak-Shaft
  • Bsomer Ranger Beleval Springwood

Dibella Protector:
Nord Necromancer Serana Volkhir

Our Warriors (as of now with protector)


New Outfits!


Who Didn’t Make The Squad

Elise was let go because she was causing too much shit. Rashaal unfortunately was only let go to make room for Katya. Jenna was let go because she was extremely repetitive and her and her sister were a glitchy mess. Katya was a hot mess, so she was let go. Sofia dug her own grave when she continued to run into Gwen, say the same things over and over and sent a few Warriors into pits and down a mountainside. Annie (Annekke) was let go because of her outburst a few EP’s back and to make room for Vorstag. Unfortunately now Serana came on board and Vorstag was literally the odd man out. Zora wanted to go on a holiday so Rashaal came back and man does she look good. Odd woman out again si Rashaal now, her “coldsun” body was causing the game to stutter and it would not only crash the game but the stream a well.


#skyrim #skyrimse #streamingnow #streaming #modding

Thanks a TON to those who help me with the game and build; Metal Skulls, Osculim, David Ong, Vulcuran and AnimeFire. They also put up with my crap!

Skyrim Streaming Videos: