Full Head Of Steam for Helgen. Arnold Was Saved & Girls Are Looking Amazing

Full Head Of Steam for Helgen. Arnold Was Saved & Girls Are Looking Amazing

Jenna Has A New Kick Ass Outfit, We Save One Of Our Favorite Modded NPC’s Arnold Schwarzenegger

Jenna's New Outfit Shows Her CurvesHelgen Reborn has got to be a top 5 mod of all time. It is so well done.

Saturday – We sneak Jenna’s new outfit in, and man she has the best Pilate’s butt this side of Riften. I say Pilates because it is not a bubble butt, but a nice firm smooth one that a 35 year old mom would get after shitting out a few kids; because she does Pilates. Anyways. We start up Helgen Reborn along with some Thieves Guild quests.

Sunday – Jenna’s new, umm… outfit or armor if you will. Helgen Reborn and Thieves Guild are just a few of the things we are aiming to tackle this go round. I think Immortal Coil is broke. No I KNOW it is broke, friggen Interesting NPC’s.

The video and underneath is the trading cards with Jenna’s new outfit.

Trading Cards!