Staadomaar is huge, Wolfskull Cave is Awesome & Jenna and Katya Like To Be Naked

Staadomaar is huge, Wolfskull Cave is Awesome & Jenna and Katya Like To Be Naked

Sunday’s Stream Was Dodge The Titties and Try Not To Creep On Butts & Boobs

Meridian threw Sophia up in the air with RaevynWhy do companies continue to put out updates that are bad? Divinci Resolve is one of them. Their 19 is a buggy mess with crashes and glitches. I had to roll it back to fix it. Bad. The projects I have now are in 19 and I am int eh process now of trying to revert them back too. As usual, garbage, its a common theme with large companies now a days.

Saturday we continued with Staadomaar and man I did not realize just how big that is (that is what she said). It took almost the entire stream but it was damn fun with a big baddie at the end of the dungeon dive.

Sunday was a dodge the titty start where everyone and everything was naked. We blurred a few thing since and I hope that YouTube doesn’t find out about it. We hit up Wolfskull Cave and finish out Meridian’s beacon quest and get dawnbreaker.

No change in outfits so the Cards are the same.

Trading Cards!