Wanted To Stream More But Other Things Came Up (and not my wiener, well not JUST my wiener)
So the labor day weekend happened. I was not really prepared for it. On Friday I wanted to do a bunch of video work. I did not. I started to, say fuck it, and played Starfield for… well *ahem* 12 hours *ahem*. Saturday I got a bunch done including streaming. Sunday was my Fantasy Football draft, which takes all day and Monday was another smaller Fantasy Football draft and well, Starfield for *ahem* 9 hours *ahem* Monday happened and I wanted to stream again but there was a situation at the Draft that really screwed me up. Long story am not getting into it.
Anywho. Saturday we played Starfield and we had Deez Nuts join the Trackers Alliance and have her first quest. It was really good and took most of the time, but they did stumble across one of my favorite places in Starfield. Safe House Gamma, it is super fun. Never tried it, make sure you do!
No cards for this play through, here are some screens. (under the video)
Starfield Gallery