Streaming Skyrim is fun, but it can also really keep you on your toes. Falk Firebeard and the Wolf Queen Potema, plus showed off Midwood Island!
Been brave enough to add some mods to the game. Most of them are failures. But I got myself out of the jam, so to speak. Though I did find some real snafus with some other modders. I will not get into.
Saturday – We finish up one of my favorite quests in Skyrim, Potema, the Wolf Queen. Took most of the stream, but then decided to jump over to Gwen and warning, serious thongs and butt cheeks from here on out.
Sunday – We just jump around doing different quests. A wench named Jaryra and we wiped out a spider nest. Eww, spiders.
I set up a quick gallery of the Midwood experience (under the video). I could not recommend it more.