A rundown of Jay Zippo’s history, including Youtube, B1tchute & Others
Quick Breakdown
Where can you find the old coot, Jay Zippo, eh? (What am I Canadian?)
- Jay still streams on Youtube. Find his channel and the streaming playlist, currently over 360 videos.
- Still runs a massive campaign for Dungeons and Dragons called World of Legon.
- Produces sussy episodic videos for B!tchute, the page on Jay Zippo you can find ALL the videos is located here.
- Other writing and fantasy sites Jay runs; Story of Serenity Blackrose and one that will be announced in the weeks to come.
Recent History
If you want to read my history it is below this section. It’s not a bad read really.
To reduce the amount of reading and what my SEO Optimizers call “digestable content” I will do a quick bullet list:
- Back at it with Skyrim with a new Character and sexy damn outfits – Raevyn Ravanali – Imperial Thief
- Completed a game on stream, it was L.A. Noire. Go have a look at the playlist on Youtube
- Stopped posting episodic videos on Youtube as they continue to de-escalate with their algorithm and archaic system. Refraining from writing a novel here about how bad Youtube is. You can read more here
- Started uploading to B1tchute and I am enjoying it a lot more. Not to mention it allows me to look at naked tiddies!!
- Will Skyrimjob or Sims 4 make it on to the chute? Who knows!
My History
I graduated a long time ago with a degree in graphic arts. Let’s say computers were not exactly plentiful. I used pens, pencils, cutting boards, old magazine, paints, colors… I rolled old school to get my degree. With that degree it landed me a few advertisement jobs with local businesses ranging from weekly ads for the penny saver to a few half page ads in the major newspapers.
I moved around a lot to try and make a life and figure out what I wanted to do (beside my girlfriend doggy style). Moved to North Carolina and I ended up doing very little graphic work because I ran two photo labs for Eckerd. With that demanding job, I acquired walking pneumonia, and had to quit. My girl friend at the time decided to lose 60 pounds, get a wild oat up her ass and then proceed to lose another 140lbs. (yeah that would be me) Most likely the best thing she could of done. I left North Carolina shortly after.
Back at home with new ambition, I started building websites, picking back up with my graphics and even opened and ran a photo studio. I partnered with some people and produced an online magazine from 2001-2004. Eventually I was hired at a great company and I was promoted to a managerial level of Marketing. Eventually I met a woman, fell in love, moved. That, did not end well and I ended up moving back to my home town.
Rewinding a little, in 2006 I started to dabble with Youtube, never getting to serious until 2013. That is where some flops happened like Thoraxe (sounds like a cleaner) and other skyrim half-assed videos.
After a while I was hired by a company and now I build high end websites for a living. One day they lost their senior video editor and no one wanted to take their place. Insert me with a smile on ym face and a pep in the step. I shared the duties with a few others until there was only me. The video work has really slowed down but it was fun while it lasted.
I am now streaming on my channel, come visit if you you are bored and want to make fun of a guy who is bad at video games. I stream on the weekends, Saturday & Sunday 11-2.
The Voice
It seems every channel on youtube usually had some kind of schtick to give them an unique appeal to potential visitors. Some were angry, some were over-weight, some were hot chicks that said weird things… Insert the average Joe, with an average voice and no direction in life. I made a bunch of videos with my normal voice, and I just struggled listening to them. I imagine if I struggle with it, mostly everyone else will too.
Early on this journey I was editing a video, and I wanted to speed up the video to get to a certain part of a quest, when I realized… that’s it! The chipmunk voice! A faster voice! After deliberating about it for a while… I came up with the Pros:
1) I don’t like the sound of my voice, normal speed.
2) I can get through quests and such much quicker.
3) Things just sound funnier at a higher speed.
4) I will never get a copyright strike for anything.
I actually started at speeding the game up 150%. I only did that for a short time because it was just to hard (uh heheh) to keep up with if you are watching. For the longest time I have been using 135% speed… but recently I have lowered it even more to 130%.
So it is now my Schtick. I don’t want to be angry, I am not overweight, and the last time I looked hairy bitch tits do not quality as cleavage viewers want to see. Good or bad, it is what I do and will always do.
But times have changed and Youtube is not a great company, shocker I know. I left Youtube for my episodic videos I only stream there now. My episodic videos can be found here: Good ‘ol B!tchute.