Author Archives: Jay Zippo

Another Goodbye (Illia) and a Hello (Eudora) – Pretty Fun Streams

Another Goodbye (Illia) and a Hello (Eudora) – Pretty Fun Streams

Third follower is like a carousel right now for my group in the livestream of Skyrim

Eudora, Dibella follower and a loonAfter a follower almost kills you 4 times and succeeds once, you have to start to look elsewhere; and not for a Khajiit! (Badoomcha!) So we took the precautions and let Illia go. She was kind off the mark, though I appreciated her talking points. We still may pick her back up if there is a way to nerf her Ice Wall spell.

SaturdayCursed Largashbur Tribe is still pending and it is taking us forever to get what needs done. BUT. I made sure it was fun and not, well not fun. Searching for Troll fat we went looking for a troll and we did not just buy the fat, etc. Plus we can’t resist some Forgotten Sanctum dungeons!

Sunday We introduce a loony toon, Eudora Ordasm a Dibellian Pacifist, who kills anyways. In a test play through she was crazy eyed and nuts. In the stream she was surprisingly good in everything, though she used her bow too much. I was complaining only to figure out we already have 2 tanks with Jenna and Katya. Anywho, FINALLY finish out the Mehrunes Razor quest and even got a few guild jobs done.

New Trading Cards below, check out Raevyn’s mask!


Skeevertown, Questing For A Zombie Jarl, More Underground And Forgotten Places

Skeevertown, Questing For A Zombie Jarl, More Underground And Forgotten Places

Loving the new mods I have added, “Skyrim Underground SSE” and “Forgotten Dungeons (SSE)” are easily another 20-25 hours of content. We also changed over some outfits on Sunday and they are super fun and kind of, a little, lore friendly. Kind of maybe. LOL Saturday. Thumbnail of Raevyn’s ass in tight leather pants brought…Continue Reading

So B!tchute Does Have It’s Limits

So B!tchute Does Have It’s Limits

Moving from Youtube to B1tchute was a culture shock in many ways. The confines of Youtube were suffocating, and the idea that any things goes on the chute was intoxicating. What was the big differences? Pros & Cons? Youtube barely allowed a woman in a bikini for most of it’s uploads unless it was “art”…Continue Reading

She’s Back!

She’s Back!

A long awaited port from oldrim, the Wandering Rogue has found her way into the land of Zippo / Skyrim Special Edition and Youtube You heard right. I originally was waiting for someone to put Arissa on the special edition nexus mods but that time never came. Lol, came. Much like most morning, I took…Continue Reading