Dead Man Jizz. Yes, It’s Gross.

Dead Man Jizz. Yes, It’s Gross.

Oozing Sticky Substances – Svana Titanborn S2.5 EP57 Elder Scrolls Online Gameplay Quest: Finished the quest “Mnemic Egg” Continuing “Loriasel” We are searching for Vicecanon Heita-Meen and she is not where she is supposed to be. That is because she is stuck in a quest that I never finished out called the Mnemic Egg. We…Continue Reading

That’s Gotta Hurt, Kicked In The Comberries

That’s Gotta Hurt, Kicked In The Comberries

Kicked In The Comberries – Svana Titanborn S2.5 EP49 Elder Scrolls Online Gameplay Quest: Reclaiming Murkwood by setting the river on fire – part of Scales of Retribution. Svana Titanborn and Totes McGoats are in Shadowfen and working with the Shadowscales. The final part of this long quest is to set the river on fire,…Continue Reading

Witcher 3 Geralt gets Morning… Timber?

Witcher 3 Geralt gets Morning… Timber?

Witcher 3 EP#27 – Morning Hardened Timber Geralt continues to ravage the countryside. Taking on Bandits, deserters and weird creatures called Endrega. This is around the place people call Hangmans Ally. No shortage of creatures and monsters, human or non-human relieve of their breath. We take on a semi-boss Endrega creature and its an epic…Continue Reading

Admit it, Candy Behr Has A Great Ass

Admit it, Candy Behr Has A Great Ass

The Red Room – Sims 4 Gameplay with Christopher Columbo Get To Work Columbo is eating some fries and the bartender blows fire… Dina peaces on us and leaves, and we head for home. After some home things we head back to work and immediately hit on Karen Zest. Columbo heads out on patrol for…Continue Reading