Is Humping A Vampire Necrophilia?

Is Humping A Vampire Necrophilia?

Skyrim Let’s Play S03 EP68 Necrophilia Full Episode Synopsis: We visit Orphan’s Tears to take on a bandit. Probably a really depressed Bandit with that name. Talsgar the Wanderer is on the shore lines of absolutely frozen waters in a tunic and some pants. Because you know, Skyrim. The game seems to get more derpy…Continue Reading

We Be Trippin’ Balls

We Be Trippin’ Balls

Full Episode Synopsis: We make our way to Ancestor Glade to get the Bark from the Canticle tree. Ginger Snaps gets the bark using the Draw Knife and then she gathered the moths. Serana mentions that Ginger is starting to Glow as she has hundreds of moths floating about. She then reads the Scrolls and…Continue Reading

No, They Parted With Their Life

No, They Parted With Their Life

We finish clearing out Jamaican Plain and take a minute to set up the settlement a little. We find a few dead scavengers that were going after the Jamaican Plain treasure. Carl Everett was one of them. We find out Sunshine Tidings Co-op was under attack and we head over there to kill off a…Continue Reading

They Look Juicy & Dangerous

They Look Juicy & Dangerous

We stay at the Dead Man’s Drink before heading out to the Incest Glade, or Ancestral Glade. On our way out of town we get attacked by Vampires, but Skyrim crashed HARD. WE get attacked again but this time we make short work of it. Serana’s father, Lord Harkon, has to be getting nervous because…Continue Reading

It Does Happen. Blindness & Hairy Palms

It Does Happen. Blindness & Hairy Palms

Skyrim Let’s Play S03 EP65 Blind With Hairy Palms We leave Dragon Bridge and head out to find out more about the Dragon Scroll and the Lexicon. Castle Dawnguard it is, after we go up a level to 41. We meet up with Dexion Evicus a Moth Priest who recently went blind from masturbating most…Continue Reading

Don’t @#$% With A Grumpy Writer

Don’t @#$% With A Grumpy Writer

Fallout 4 S03 EP53 Story Behind Neponset Park We have one more encounter with a crazy Mirelurk after we finish clearing out Gwinnet Brewery and Restaurant. Meatloaf Gravy (Preston Garvey) talks to us about finishing out quests, and of course starting new one. We make a quick stop to show off our lingerie and deal…Continue Reading

Finally! The Dragon Scroll

Finally! The Dragon Scroll

Skyrim Let’s Play S03 EP64 The Dragon Scroll FINALLY! The freakin goddam Dragon Scroll! It takes a few minutes to figure it out, but that Elder Scroll is finally ours! It was quite the elaborate setup for just an Elder Scroll but whatever. We interrupt a battle between a Giant Bezerker and a Blood Dragon…Continue Reading

Don’t Light A Match In A Room Full Of Gas!

Don’t Light A Match In A Room Full Of Gas!

Fallout 4 S03 EP52 Our Nipples Are Singed Full Episode Synopsis: The trio is headlong into the Gwinnett Brewery quest. Tara scolds both Dogmeat and Piper about the importance of being quiet. We find out why there are warning posters about no fires in the building… the hard way. Inbetween Brewery and pub they encounter…Continue Reading

Apple Of My Brown Eye. Insert Fart Noise Here.

Apple Of My Brown Eye. Insert Fart Noise Here.

Skyrim Let’s Play S03 EP63 Apple Of My Brown Eye Full Episode Synopsis: We complete our journey through Blackreach. I know, finally! The trio of Ginger Snaps, Serana and Arissa decide to not pursue the Crimson Nirn Root questline. We make our way to the Tower of Mzark, and get the Dragon Scroll. We do…Continue Reading