Silver Shroud And Apparently Titpacks Is A Thing

Silver Shroud And Apparently Titpacks Is A Thing

Titpacks – Fallout 4 The So-Long Season, Season 7, Episode 74 Tara Dikoff, Piper Wright and Dogmeat finish out Trinity Tower and give Strong a gift. We have issues fighting other mutants. Spend too much time in Goodneighbor. Then we track down Wayne Delancy and put him in the ground, or on a garbage bin.…Continue Reading

Youtube is getting worse. No revelation there.

Youtube is getting worse. No revelation there.

Oh Youtube. They tell us they want to help. Make our channel grow and unicorns will fart candy corn and the world will burst into song. But that is a lie, flat out lie. They do not care about anyone non monetized (business wise, it is understandable) or small for that matter and make things…Continue Reading

The Addiction to Starfield is Real.

The Addiction to Starfield is Real.

Bethesda’s Instant Classic Starfield. Amazing RPG and Video Game The addiction. It is real. Friday. Played about 11 hours. Saturday. Played about 12 hours. Sunday. None. Fantasy Football Draft. Monday. Played about 13 hours. Tuesday. Worked for 6 hours, played Starfield for 7 hours. You are beginning to see a pattern forming here. LOL. Bethesda…Continue Reading