Moving from Youtube to B1tchute was a culture shock in many ways. The confines of Youtube were suffocating, and the idea that any things goes on the chute was intoxicating. What was the big differences? Pros & Cons?
- Youtube barely allowed a woman in a bikini for most of it’s uploads unless it was “art” or it was age gated and a threat to get a strike. While B!tchute was wide open, the wild wild west*
- Youtube had upto 8K and the videos looked fantastic. The chute barely makes it past 680p and no better than 29.9 FPS
- B1tchute does not advertise on mainstream social, hard to gain followers. YouTube has all the tools to help you, though it rarely helps.
- Youtube shadow bans you for a strike or questionable content. That is a fact and not much more needs to be said.
- The Chute allows you to fix the issue instead of outright striking you down / banning
- The Chute responds to emails within a day, Youtube takes weeks, if not ignore you all together.
* Well the pink elephant in the room, why pink I am not sure, is the first one in the list above. Directly below is a clip of the community guidelines.
Yup. Never read them. Looks like boobs, ass and vagina along with a cock or two is deemed acceptable. But straight up sex, porn and apparently boners are not.
Thinking about it more clearly it makes a ton of sense. They do not want the chute to turn into a porn site. There are hundreds and thousands of porn sites, but very few video hosting platforms like B1tchute.
Now my gameplays will be scaled back to T&A and the occasional flash of the beaver.
Thanks B!tchute for not banning me straight out and allowing me to remove the offending content.