Category Archives: Blog

So B!tchute Does Have It’s Limits

So B!tchute Does Have It’s Limits

Serana nude in the bathhouse next to BellaMoving from Youtube to B1tchute was a culture shock in many ways. The confines of Youtube were suffocating, and the idea that any things goes on the chute was intoxicating. What was the big differences? Pros & Cons?

  • Youtube barely allowed a woman in a bikini for most of it’s uploads unless it was “art” or it was age gated and a threat to get a strike. While B!tchute was wide open, the wild wild west*
  • Youtube had upto 8K and the videos looked fantastic. The chute barely makes it past 680p and no better than 29.9 FPS
  • B1tchute does not advertise on mainstream social, hard to gain followers. YouTube has all the tools to help you, though it rarely helps.
  • Youtube shadow bans you for a strike or questionable content. That is a fact and not much more needs to be said.
  • The Chute allows you to fix the issue instead of outright striking you down / banning
  • The Chute responds to emails within a day, Youtube takes weeks, if not ignore you all together.

* Well the pink elephant in the room, why pink I am not sure, is the first one in the list above. Directly below is a clip of the community guidelines.

A patron of the bath house is laying naked by the poolYup. Never read them. Looks like boobs, ass and vagina along with a cock or two is deemed acceptable. But straight up sex, porn and apparently boners are not.

Thinking about it more clearly it makes a ton of sense. They do not want the chute to turn into a porn site. There are hundreds and thousands of porn sites, but very few video hosting platforms like B1tchute.

Now my gameplays will be scaled back to T&A and the occasional flash of the beaver.

Thanks B!tchute for not banning me straight out and allowing me to remove the offending content.

The NEW Anime Watch List For Me

The NEW Anime Watch List For Me

I have used the old one so many times to refer to things I have watched. So I am starting a new one since I now have Crunchy Roll. Though I really enjoy each and everyone. It is no lie that they blend together sometimes. This list should help me keep them separated. (Updated a…Continue Reading

My Adventure Through Shattered Space

My Adventure Through Shattered Space

This is a graphic heavy post. Please allow a little time for it to, uh, load, some great shots here! The only way I can really organize the page is to separate everything by time. The first section is early on, introductions, finding new things. The second is in the heart of the main quest…Continue Reading

Youtube is getting worse. No revelation there.

Youtube is getting worse. No revelation there.

Oh Youtube. They tell us they want to help. Make our channel grow and unicorns will fart candy corn and the world will burst into song. But that is a lie, flat out lie. They do not care about anyone non monetized (business wise, it is understandable) or small for that matter and make things…Continue Reading