Deputy Deez Nuts, On The Trail of a Ship Thief, Keeping U3-09 Safe & YT Issues

Deputy Deez Nuts, On The Trail of a Ship Thief, Keeping U3-09 Safe & YT Issues

Groundpounder, U3-09 Safe, Leads to Neon, Chasing Maya Cruz Down, Exploring Akila – We Be Streaming

This game is pretty amazing. I will be starting an episodic series probably around the start of the new year. Play one season without mods, then when they really hit, I mean the mods REALLY hit I will jump into Season two for this. Still thinking up names and it is not out of the question, we will get Ophelia Rass.

Saturday Deez nuts chases down some leads in Neon, but then after we get our Ship “Warhorse” we head back to U3-09 and finish up helping and defending them. It was a blast, tons of fire fights, stopping reinforcements and some down and dirty space dogfights!

Sunday we continues with the Freestar Collective Ranger quest. Chasing down Maya Cruz, and made the hard choice of killing her. She could come back to bite us in the ass, plus she tried to kill us! Then we roamed Akali City’s planet in Cheyanne.

My Playlist:
