Helgen Reborn is Top 5 Mod, Guard Recruitment and Training Ahead

Helgen Reborn is Top 5 Mod, Guard Recruitment and Training Ahead

Shriekwind Bastion Is a Fun Dungeon, Confusing, But Fun. No More Thong For Katya.

An alternate armor for Raevyn to wearSaturday we head up a recruitment drive for guards for Helgen. We hit up Silverdrift cave as well. Still want to keep some exploration in my game play. We get all the guards we needed.

Sunday was a Subscriber Chat stream because of the issues the day before. We head to Shriekwind Bastion to test out one of the guards a lizard named Wana-doodoo. He was excellent. But the dungeon was kind of hard to follow, and with my less than natural skills, I was running into walls. Then we hit up some guild quests.

No new outfits from the last trading cards. Video below.

So Saturday about 2 hours in someone decide to raid my stream and cause some shit. Same person with different accounts. If they cause anymore shit, I have all the names written down and will report each one of them as the same. Youtube doesn’t like that. Luckily I had my people with me and they put the hammer to them. But I feel bad for people like that, who had shitty parents or was dropped on their head.

Trading Cards!