Raevyn is a Curvy Little Thief. Followers Are Fun But Frustrating and Interesting NPC’s Is Broke

Raevyn is a Curvy Little Thief. Followers Are Fun But Frustrating and Interesting NPC’s Is Broke

Skyrim is Modded, But Has It’s Issues. Their Big Ol’ Tiddies Are NOT a Problem!

Katja is very beautifulOn cue, Interesting NPC’s is broke. Half the quests just fail. (Shrug shoulders) I think there is an update but I do not want to crash my game. I start up with a stream and I am looking for a mod and I accidentally had my folder open with some nudy toody action that I had to censor. No one wants to see my flopper.

Saturday: Dealing with Mallus Maccius, Honeybrew Meadery, mad mage named Hamelyn with his Venomfang Skeevers in the quest called Dampened Spirits. Then we try and save a female courior named Kaia that is being held in Broken Fang cave from a vampire cult. Then we creep on chicks in the Winking Skeever.

Sunday: Immortal Coil is broke, Bloody Ice is in Windhelm which was glitching and Thieves Guild; we hit 4 of their quests. We did finish out Dampened Spirits. We finish the Thousand Words quest and it didn’t glitch out!

Video below and the trading cards are the same from last time.