Bethesda, Todd Howard. Skyrim Is Glitched! Thieves Guild, Blood on the Ice and boobs. Butts too.
So here we are heading back into Skyrim and I am already having problems finding things to do. When I do find things that need to get done, they are glitched. Not exactly a wonderful way of streaming and if it wasn’t for the beautiful butts and big boobies I would probably be scrounging for something else to stream.
Saturday we got some Balmora Blue and stashed it on the Dainty Sload. That was the deal for old mumble mouth in the Thieves Guild. Then we went out and rescued a wench called Maxy Pad. Ok maybe not Maxy PAD but who the hell names their kid Maxy, I mean come on!
Sunday was a glitch fest from start to finish. Youtube sucks serious asshole and everything was broken at some level. It was entertaining, but frustrating. There was a glitch at the end of the game play with the girls getting tossed up into the air and it was friggen glorious.
Need to attach on to something new, and get the game play pumping again. See you next week!