We Say Goodbye To Arissa, Hello To Illia And Stare At Butt Cheeks

We Say Goodbye To Arissa, Hello To Illia And Stare At Butt Cheeks

New Outfits & New Followers For This Skyrim Playthrough On Youtube

New follower Illia looking down on a corpse in the Rift(Terrible keyw0rd Filler I know, sorry)

We stumbled across a place where we finished the quest and there was a woman there named Illia that we helped. I could tell she wasn’t vanilla, and my good friend David said she could be a follower. Now Arissa, I love her, but she was brought in to be a thief with Raevyn. To be honest she is terrible, anytime we teamed up to do thief things she knocked things over, started talking out loud or would just stand up and walk around. Terrible thief. So I wanted to try something new. Now truth be told I thought she was a necromancer but she was not, she is an Ice Mage…

New playing cards below.

Saturday our goal was to finish out the Mehrunes Razor quest and that did not end well trying to find an orc place to become bloodkin, or some shit. So we helped people brewing Mogo’s Mead? Then rescue a raven haired hottie named Illia from Darklight Tower. Dumb name. Kill her mother and we take her on.

Sunday we said goodbye to Arissa and welcome Illia and we are not sure if it is a mistake or not. She looks great but her battle tactics are poor at best (so far) We clear out Brittleshine Pass for like the third time, visit the Shrine of Azura. All to try and become Bloodkin for the Orcs. Jeesh!


(click here to see ALL of the outfits so far: ALL OUTFITS)