Weekend Bliss With The Sims 4. Reposting Succubus Video Game on the Chute

Weekend Bliss With The Sims 4. Reposting Succubus Video Game on the Chute

Depression Is A Bitch. But Sims 4 with Wicked Whims… Is Not!

Crumplebottom slapping Katrina SillyI took this weekend off because I was ill prepared, I did nothing up to that point to get ready for Skyrim. Which is very unusual.I have been very depressed and just didn’t feel I would be up to the task of streaming, and I do not want anyone wasting their time watching a sad sack like me.

This weekend I plan on streaming my Skyrim. Thought about changing outfits but man I love all of them. They are almost lore friendly and sexy. Can’t go wrong. So we will continue to spread our legs, squat and give birth to Helgen. Love talking to Arnold Schwarzenegger

Over on the Chute (or b1tchute) I have started putting up my controversial Succubus videos. Because, why not. It is where I got my strike, even though it was sitting in the grandfather clause for that time. Just like Youtube or better known SHITTUBE. Still a little bitter. But I am now without a strike. See how long that lasts. Check it out on the page that we shall not mention.

So to fill the space, lets look at the SIMS 4. WARNING. There is straight up sex and nudity with these. Move on if that offends you… then again, why the hell would be on my site if you did…?

Last Warning, Sims 4 Glorious Screen Caps